It’s something we made up. It doesn’t have any objective meaning. We just started saying it when we first started dating, and it’s something that has stuck. Simple as that.
How do you afford to travel so much?
It really is as simple as making travel a priority. To that end, we’ve intentionally downsized our lives so that everything we own fits into our Honda Insight. We don’t own or acquire very much stuff other than basic necessities and a few luxuries. We stay with friends and family whenever and wherever possible. We moved back with our parents and paid off all of our credit card debt. We also use travel credit cards and airline rewards programs to fly cheaply whenever possible.
What’s with the ads, man?
Look, we dislike advertisements just as much as the next guy (if not more than that guy!). However, we hope this blog will one day be part of a profitable location-independent business, so we’re experimenting with a few different ways to monetize it. We provide (what we hope is) entertaining and informative content to you at no charge, and the advertisements you see will (we hope one day) help subsidize the cost of creating that content. Who knows, there may be something interesting in one of those ads.
What about the sponsored posts and product reviews?
We’ve been experimenting with those, too. We will only consider sponsored posts or product reviews for goods and services that reflect our interests and core beliefs, and you — dear reader — will always know, through clear labeling and forthrightness, if and when a post is sponsored by someone or something other than our own wills. (We adhere to Blog With Integrity’s guidelines and have signed the pledge.)
Do you own or represent a travel agency, tourism board, travel product, restaurant, or other travel-related service? We want to work with you! Check out our Work With Us page for more on that.
Note: The “Swoon Divers” brand is pretty young. We can tell you that we enjoy off-the-beaten path destinations (or alternative and cheap options on or near the beaten path), ethnically diverse food & drink, eco-friendly design, and socially and environmentally conscious products. Generally, anything that can help our readers travel better or longer or smarter or cheaper are of interest, too.
Do you accept guest posts?
Yes, but rarely. We have a pretty specific voice and style here, but we’re always looking to flesh out our content offerings (we can’t be everywhere at once, ya know). If you think you can write wittily and insightfully on a topic that may be of interest to our readers, please send us an email through the Contact form. Please include your pitch, a few writing samples, and a link to your website or blog.
Where are you right now?
I don’t know! There should be a little widget to the right —–> that tells you. We update it pretty consistently.